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Discover Mindfulness - 4 Part Course



Discover Mindfulness

An Introductory Exploration of the Heart, Mind and Soul. 


Course Link:

Password: 99999 (five 9's)

Instructor: John 'be'


Community Guidelines

Learning to live and 'be' in the present moment is a skill that can be learned by anyone. We tend to dwell in the past or worry about the future and both of those are 'places' that we essentially have no control over. Mindfulness meditation is a practice and by dedicating time and attention to this practice, we can form new habits. "Neurons that fire together, wire together", so they say, and if we have spent a good portion of our lives firing neurons based on reactivity to what life throws at us, learning to respond mindfully opens the door (and the mind) to our limitless potential. We are what we think about (or focus on), and learning to apply our focus with skill and mindful awareness can turn the power of habit in our favor.

Next series events

The series of events starts on 2024.03.16 and ends on 2024.04.06.